Parent Page: Contact id: 31448 Active Page: Report Concernsid:32077

Reporting Concerns

Concerns About Animal Care and Use at OUHSC

ANIMAL ABUSE OR MISUSE: If you suspect that animal abuse or misuse has occurred, you have an ethical obligation to alert leadership of the OUHSC Animal Care & Use Program. 


Concerns with animal care or welfare may be submitted to:

You do not need to identify yourself to report a concern. However, anonymous reports may not allow confirmation of details of the concern or sharing the outcome of an investigation.  Please note that knowing who submitted the concern can both enhance its validity and facilitate its resolution. If you choose to identify yourself, your identity will be kept in strictest confidence.

The OUHSC will not tolerate misuse or neglect of animals nor will the institution accept reprisal against an individual who reports concerns or allegations of wrong-doing involving the care and use of animals. In addition to our position regarding protected reporting of concerns, reprisal against those who report concerns is prohibited by federal law. If you feel there has been action taken against you because you reported a concern regarding animal care or use, and your report was in good faith; please contact the  Director of the Office of Animal Welfare Assurance, the Chair of the IACUC, or the Director of the Division of Comparative Medicine to initiate an investigation. 

HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION, and CONCERNS FOR PERSONAL SAFETY: We respect the rights of others to disagree with the use of animals in research, testing, or teaching; however the University insists that OUHSC staff and students must be free from harassment, intimidation, or actions violating their personal safety. Anyone feeling these pressures should alert OUHSC administration. OUHSC will provide support and defense for any staff or student experiencing harassment, intimidation, or having concerns for their personal safety.

All reports of animal abuse / neglect are treated confidentiality.
Reports may be made anonymously.
All reports are investigated fully.

The OUHSC Animal Care & Use Program is committed to meeting or surpassing all applicable government guidelines and regulations regarding animal care and use, ensuring that animals used on campus are provided proper care, are used as IACUC approved, and are used in the minimal numbers necessary.